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About Afton Feltham

Personal Life

      I have always held a passion for well-told stories; films being one of my favourite mediums, with books able to do it one step further, and dare I say, better!

      I love to create worlds, imagine wonderful events and terrible outcomes, and dream of the sweet intoxication of romance.

      My ability to visualize such details and plots are what drive me to put these stories down. Some days my need to write is like an alien wanting to burst out of me. 

Finishing my first book was a great personal achievement, and helped a great deal towards completing the three other novels I have finished. Those of you who have done the same will agree.

The passion and joy I get out of writing will forever be a part of my life and I hope a part of yours.

My husband, Tony and I have been married since 2012, with our daughter, Gwendolyn born in 2016 and our son, Theodore, born in 2022.

They are the light of our lives.

We have family all over the province and on the east coast. We enjoy getting out of the city to enjoy nature, both on land and on water.


I have struggled with depression most of my life, and after a challenging period in 2019, I finally sought help and found a working medication.

I am thrilled to say my life has improved dramatically, so has my marriage and my ability to be a Mother.

I encourage those who suffer to seek help.

I was able to come out the other side;

YOU can too. 


Mental Health Help Line

(877) 303-2642

UofA Psychiatry Clinic

(780) 407-6501


A Few of my Favourite Things

Movies Shawshank Redemption,

Grand Budapest Hotel, and Sense and Sensibility 

Books The Stand by Stephen King,

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee,

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

Other Tidbits

I am a huge Star Wars nerd, Crafting & DIY (best on a budget), Classic Rock lover (Led Zeppelin!)



Gwen and Teddy
Me and my Husband Tony
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